Friday, June 23, 2006

This is totally SpongeBob jelly fishing. He LOVES jelly fishing. It is his is #1,,, thing. Have you ever gone jelly fishing? I hope you haven't 'cause if you have that is just strange. Well my point is that he is, like, soo cute. Do you think so?

Monday, June 19, 2006


Hey Guys...

Do you guys know who that odd little pink guy is. I do. But I want to know if you do. So if you know please let me know your answer. Leave it under "comments" and if your lucky I might write back.

Monday, June 05, 2006


A Question For You

Do you watch SpongeBob on t.v? Well if you do awesome! If you don't you are weird.

Okay so my "Question of the Month" is : What is your favourite SpongeBob episode?

Let me know by clicking on the ''comment''. Leave your answer.

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